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VB DirectoryListing Details
ID: | 31033 | |
Title: | Operating Room/ Surgical Rooms | |
URL: | http://www.utopia.com.sg/opreating_room_surgical_room.html | |
Category: | Business: Healthcare | |
Description: | Utopia deliver Unidirectional filtering ceiling for surgical rooms, Ceiling technical characteristics and necessary airflow. The cost of running a unidirectional ceiling is strongly related to the air flow, and therefore to the surface of the ceiling itself. | |
Meta Keywords: | Operating Room/ Surgical Room | |
Meta Description: | Utopia deliver Unidirectional filtering ceiling for surgical rooms, Ceiling technical characteristics and necessary airflow. The cost of running a unidirectional ceiling is strongly related to the air flow, | |
Link Owner: | utopiapteltd | |
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