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VB DirectoryListing Details
ID: | 41181 | |
Title: | Cannabis Regulations For Licensed Producers | |
URL: | https://www.cropsoft.ca/home | |
Category: | Business | |
Description: | "CROPSoft is a cannabis software platform, used by clients including Licensed Producers and Distributors. The platform is currently based on compliance with world-leading best-practices, ACMPR Â Canadian regulations, and can be quickly adapted to meet the regulatory requirements of any other country. Based on your proposal and our understanding of your solution. " | |
Meta Keywords: | Cannabis Regulations For Licensed Producers | |
Meta Description: | "CROPSoft is a cannabis software platform, used by clients including Licensed Producers and Distributors. The platform is currently based on compliance with world-leading best-practices, ACMPR Â Canadian regulations. | |
Link Owner: | cropsoftca | |
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