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VB DirectoryListing Details
ID: | 42911 | |
Title: | bangalore nursing college | |
URL: | https://www.kgi.edu.in/kcn/ | |
Category: | Business: Healthcare | |
Description: | Koshys College of Nursing is one of the Best Nursing Colleges in Bangalore that offers BSC, PB B.Sc, GNM, and M.Sc Nursing courses and Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science. Also ranked among top nursing colleges in Bangalore. Check out UG & PG Nursing courses and get course, fee, placement details | |
Meta Keywords: | bangalore nursing college | |
Meta Description: | Koshys College of Nursing is one of the Best Nursing Colleges in Bangalore that offers BSC, PB B.Sc, GNM, and M.Sc Nursing courses and Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science. Also ranked among top nursing colleges in Bangalore. | |
Link Owner: | seoms | |
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