VB DirectoryListing Details
Title:best Ayurvedic Clinic in Chandigarh
Category:Fitness Health
Description:It was established in 1987 for the promotion of Ayurveda in chandigarh. Its our fifth generation serving in ayurveda. It is a center of excellence & state of art in Ayurvedic Treatment . All the components used in the treatment are from nature and it is practically free from all side effects. “ Ayurveda is the combination of the Sanskrit words AYU and VEDA. Ayu means life and veda means knowledge. It contains the highly developed ancient science of medicine and prolongation of life.
Meta Keywords:best Ayurvedic doctor in chandigarh
Meta Description:It was established in 1987 for the promotion of Ayurveda in chandigarh. Its our fifth generation serving in ayurveda.
Link Owner:gopal ayurvedic