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"Assisting clients in income tax return preparation and eFiling for individuals, proprietorship business, partnership business, Non Resident Indians (NRI's) and companies. Other services offered in areas of book keeping and accounting, company formation, GST/ TDS/ Payroll compliance, financial projections/ business proposals, management accounts etc."

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Home loan tax benefit, Home loan Tax benefits u/s 80C,Home loan tax benefits u/s 24.

Understanding home loan tax benefits are very important as one can take multiple advantages from this if used rightly. Understanding income tax benefits of an interest payment under section 24, principal payment under Section 80C, benefits under joint home loan, second housing loan etc. makes this concept more interesting.

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Capital Gains tax, Save Capital gains tax on sale on property.

Real estate is surrounded by many income tax provisions. Starting from buying of property, keeping and maintaining the same and continues till selling it out. Understanding of taxation on real estate transaction is very important so one can do the necessary tax planning and save the maximum possible capital gains tax on the sale of property. Taxation aspects related to buying of real estate on loan has been covered in my earlier article on Housing loans. One should also know that keeping second property (if any) idle may attract wealth tax and to avoid wealth tax one must let out the property and come under tax provision of “Income from house property”. There’s nothing called tax free in real estate

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Super annuation Fund, Super Annuation Fund Tax Rules, Super annuation benefit in india, Super annua

The word superannuation is normally used as a synonym to Retirement. Superannuation benefit is a Retirement benefit provided by the employer to their employees. In simple terms Superannuation benefit is the pension plan bought by the employer for its employees. Employer contributes a certain amount to a Group Superannuation policy bought for this purpose and at the time of Retirement, the employee starts getting pension depending on the plan variant which employer has opted for at the time of contribution, and also the option that employee may have to exercise at the time of Retirement. Superannuation benefit comes in 2 variants, where the employer decides as to what it wants employees to receive a pension as. It may be a defined benefit plan or a defined contribution plan.

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Super annuation Fund, Super Annuation Fund Tax Rules, Super annuation benefit in india

The word superannuation is normally used as a synonym to Retirement. Superannuation benefit is a Retirement benefit provided by the employer to their employees. In simple terms Superannuation benefit is the pension plan bought by the employer for its employees. Employer contributes a certain amount to a Group Superannuation policy bought for this purpose and at the time of Retirement, the employee starts getting pension depending on the plan variant which employer has opted for at the time of contribution, and also the option that employee may have to exercise at the time of Retirement. Superannuation benefit comes in 2 variants, where the employer decides as to what it wants employees to receive a pension as. It may be a defined benefit plan or a defined contribution plan.

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How Indexation helps in saving capital gains tax.

The word indexation is commonly used when we talk about capital gains tax on property, gold or debt investments. In other words, indexation is the process used to calculate capital gains tax on appreciation earned by selling capital assets other than Listed equity. Common capital assets include Equity shares/mutual funds, Tradeable debentures, bonds, Debt Mutual funds, Real estate, Gold. Whatever gain or loss comes out of selling these capital assets are termed as Capital gain/loss. The role of indexation comes in when there’s long term capital gain on capital assets other than equity. Basically, indexation is a process of adjustment of cost/purchase price of capital assets with Cost Inflation index. Through Indexation government allows the investor to adjust the effect of inflation on the Capital gains made on selling of property/asset purchased.

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How To Get Rich

Our entire life is spent in making money. However, most important part of our life should be to build wealth and become financially free eventually becoming rich. Need to find out a secret on how to get rich? Read through the given top 5 tips to mend your ways and build wealth.

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quickbooks Contact 24/7 Customer Support We are a team of real people who can provide direction and answer any questions you might have.

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When it comes to finding the best home insurance provider in Orange County, FL, you should contact Florida Insurance Group. For service related details visit our site now.

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Health Insurance - Online Medical Insurance Policy in India | Liberty General Insurance

Availing a health insurance plan with Liberty General Insurance & get access to nationwide Cashless Health Insurance across extensive network of hospitals. Our team consist of highly experienced Insurance specialists who can help you to find a plan best suited to your needs. Buy Health Insurance today!

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Best Cryptocurrency Trading Platform - Online Cryptocurrency Trading

If you are looking for best online cryptocurrency trading platform, coinorbis lets you trade or buy and sell cryptocurrency including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple and many more. Cryptocurrency exchange platform, Best digital currency exchange, Crypto coin trading platform, Start trading today!

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Find an insurance agency

In Tempe, AZ, Southwind Insurance is the best insurance solutions provider. On our site you could find further information.

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minimizing back taxes palm beach gardens fl

Tax Help MD provides the best tax debt relief services in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. To learn more about the services offered here visit our site now.

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Nifty Future Tips | Nifty Trading Tips

Highlight Investment Research, The advisory firm In India which gives accurate Nifty Trading Tips and Nifty Future Tips with high accuracy.

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M&A Consultant in Italy

Ambra Partners provides M&A (Merger and Acquisitions) and Corporate Finance, Financial Restructuring, Management Consulting, Boutique M&A support in Italy - International experience - Strong clients' references - Cost-effective.

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Wealth Management in India


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Top Private Wealth Management firm India.


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 India Wealth Management

Client Associates is a top private firm in India. It provides best wealth management Services by own top wealth managers to remove risk from your wealth investment in financial activities.

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Elliott Insurance Agency, Inc., provides commercial insurance in Maitland, FL. On our site you could find further information.

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authenticate collectible supplies

We have the biggest collection of antique coin collection, certified foreign coins, rare gold coins and more items. To explore our authenticate collectible supplies visit our site.

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When it comes to finding the best insurance solutions provider in Westmoreland County, VA, contact Olde Towne Insurance Agency. To find out more visit our site.

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Dual factoring | Primadollar

Dual factoring is the process of coordinating two factoring companies so that one of the companies can purchase an invoice from an exporter in one country and relying upon the other factoring company to collecting the amount due later from the buyer in another country. This means that the exporter has been paid upfront, and the buyer can pay later. Dual factoring can be contrasted with a similar arrangement but with only one factor involved. This one minute guide is about dual factoring.

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Export advance | Primadollar

PrimaDollar works behind the scenes. Our support starts when you place the order and continues until you pay for the goods (up to 180 days later). We work both pre-shipment and post-shipment with your suppliers.Your suppliers get a credit limit from us. If your supplier needs a letter of credit, we will arrange it (so you do not have to)

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export factoring |

PrimaDollar is a trade finance company.Both international factoring and trade finance offer solutions to support the international supply of manufactured goods – like garments, household goods, consumer electronics etc: any merchandise that is generally shipped and sold in shops to retail customers

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export finance |

Export finance is provided by a specialist like PrimaDollar. • We pay you, the exporter, in cash when you ship the goods. • The buyer, somewhere else in the world, pays us later. • We take the buyer credit risk, and you do not have to wait for the money.

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